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The cost of shipments inside the territory of the United States:
Status |
Regular Package
Standard 4-7 days |
up to 4 lbs
from 4 lbs to 10 lbs up to 10lbs |
$ 9.95
$19.95 $19.95 |
US Postal Services
US Postal Services UPS |
Regular Package
Priority 3 days |
up to 10 lbs
$29.95 |
US Postal Services
Regular Package
Express 2 days |
up to 10 lbs
International Shipping:
up to 4 lbs - est. 2 pairs shoes for spring, summer or fall
over 4 lbs means - additional $10 for each pair in order
Shipments to foreign addresses are sent ONLY via USPS International Airmail (delivery 6-10 days)
All additional duties, custom fees or other taxes are the responsibility of the customer.